Rp 75.000



Judul Buku: English Materials Development
Penulis: Miftahulfadlik Dabamona, M.Sc (TESOL)
Cetakan: I, September, 2022
vi+ 110 hlm; 15 x 23 cm
ISBN : (Cetak)
ISBN : (Digital)
Harga: Rp. 85.000,-




This book is one of the outputs of the development program of the English Tadris Study Program. The development program carried out in 2019 is a curriculum redesign that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) which aims to pair, equalize and integrate the education, training and work experience sectors in the work capability recognition scheme.
The issue that is discussed in this book is about how the development of a discipline that focuses on the evaluation, adaptation, production and exploration of English teaching and learning materials. This book is designed to benefit students in the third year, alumni (pre-service and in-service), Students of Applied Linguistics, teachers of English. In fact, it is hoped that this book can be used by students of the TESOL or PhD master’s and Ed. D programs who need an introduction to the topic of Materials Development.
English Language Education students need a clear theory related to practice. The discussion in this book is applied practically in the classroom in the form of group assignments and independent activities, and readers can consider the application of concepts in the form of solving problems in the context they are facing. Also, the issues in the research are presented in a simple way so that the reader can be more aware of the development of the discipline materials development. Furthermore, technology is something that cannot be underestimated in today’s conditions. Therefore, recent research related to teaching and learning that adopts the use of technology is a concern in the formulation of concepts in this book.
Biography Writer 


Miftahulfadlik Dabamona, M.Sc (TESOL), was born in Wamena, Papua Province to 6 children. The author obtained a bachelor’s degree in English Literature with a concentration in linguistics from the State University of Papua (Universitas Papua) Manokwari in 2011. And continued his Higher education at The Queen’s University of Belfast, UK in 2016. The author has been active in English Language Education since being appointed as an honorary teacher at the State High School (SMA) 01 Manokwari (2011-2014), and a Non-Permanent Lecturer at STKIP Muhammadiyah Manokwari (2011-2014). Since March 2019, he has been one of the Permanent Lecturers of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sorong. And since 2020, he has been entrusted with the mandate as the Coordinator of the English Tadris Study Program.