Trends in Functional Food

Rp 95.000



Judul Buku: Trends in Functional Food

Penulis: Amalya Nurul Khairi, S.T.P., M.Sc, Ir. Ika Dyah Kumalasari, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D, Dr. Aprilia Fitriani, S.TP., M.Sc,  Ir. Muhammmad Mar’ie Sirajuddin, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP,  Ir. Ibdal Satar, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D, Dr. Nurul Hidayah, S.Si, Ir. Titisari Juwitaningtyas, S.T.P., M.Sc, Safinta Nurindra Rahmadhia, S.Si., M.Sc, Wahidah Mahanani Rahayu, S.T.P., M.Sc.

Penyunting: Ahmad Jauhari

Cetakan: I, September 2024

ix + 125  hlm; 15.5 x 23 cm


ISBN: (Cetak)
ISBN: (Digital)
Harga: Rp. 95.000,-




The terms “functional foods” and “nutraceuticals” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. The idea of functional foods emerged in Japan in the 1980s and initially referred to as “processed foods containing ingredients that aid specific bodily functions in addition to being nutritious”. Functional food has undergone many developments so special studies are needed to describe the many benefits and needs of it.


The limitations, shortcomings, and weaknesses have colored the authors a lot in completing this book, considering that this book is a literature review. Literature review provide impressions and even the opinions of several parties who are competent in their respective fields.


More details, this book is based on advice from any parties that are related with functional food. With the help accompanied by assistance and participation as well as good cooperation from all parties, so that the obstacle can be overcome. Hopefully this book can be useful to many people, and we really look forward to any suggestions and feedback for improvement.
